The St Patrick’s Pro-Life group follows the four pillars of the Pro-Life effort defined by the Grand Island diocese: Prayer, Pastoral Care, Public Policy, and Public Information.
Prayer: We can all participate in praying for a greater respect for the dignity of life and most importantly now an end to abortion. Henrietta and Julie will be leading the rosary 20 minutes before each weekend Mass during October, Respect Life Month. We will continue to plan times to pray together.
Pastoral Care: We hope to plan a few projects each year in the area of pastoral care. Some areas we may consider are: Project Rachel, Diaper Drive, Pregnancy Center support, Walking with Moms in Need. We will also work with our Parish Outreach group to identify local needs. If anyone has any ideas or if you are aware of anyone in need, please contact me or the parish office.
Public Policy: Our laws must protect the vulnerable. It is important for us to stay informed of legislation that is being considered that would impact the dignity of life or our religious freedom and contact our representatives with our opinions or support. You can stay up to date on ballot initiatives and capital updates at the links below.
Public Information: We can best support the Pro-Life effort by educating ourselves on the dignity of life and pro-life issues so we can educate others and advocate for change. There are some great resources available to us online. Please see the links below for more pro-life resources.
Contact the Parish office or Brenda Smith at 249-5070 to get involved in the Pro-Life ministry.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
1039 14th Ave
Sidney, Nebraska 69162
(308) 254-2828
Office hours:
Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - noon