St. Patrick's Parish participates in the Safe Environment Program of the Grand Island Diocese.
For more information contact St. Patrick's Safe Environment Coordinator:
Joan Falcon at (308) 254-2828.
If you, or someone you know, has suffered abuse by a cleric, church employee or volunteer please report the matter to a Victim Assistance Coordinators:
In addition, whether the abuse takes place at church or outside of church:
Sidney Police Dept. (308) 254-5515
Sheriff Dept. (308) 254-2922
(Click here to access all child/youth Safe Environment Resources for continuing education throughout the Faith Formation year.
These free resources are provided by our Grand Island Diocesan Child Protection Office.
Churches, schools, and youth organizations must ensure that children and youth who worship, study, or participate in activities sponsored by a parish can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. Parents and caretakers have the right to ask these institutions if they meet the requirements of the Charter before they allow their children to become involved with them.
An effective safe environment program will have the following components:
A training program for children that includes age appropriate materials pertaining to personal safety that conforms to Catholic teachings.
Below you will find three valuable videos connected to Safe Environment Training.
Grooming Behavior from Monica Applewhite on Vimeo.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
1039 14th Ave
Sidney, Nebraska 69162
(308) 254-2828
Office hours:
Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - noon