St. Patrick's is in the Grand Island Diocese, Most Reverend Joseph G. Hanefeldt is Bishop.
St. Patrick's was established in 1913 when Msgr. Anton Link was appointed pastor.
First Catholic Church
1877.....First Catholic Church built. It was named St. Charles and was the first church built in Sidney. It was a wood frame building, 26 x 48 ft. It was built largely with help from Ft. Sidney soldiers. Previously Masses had been held in private home by itinerant missionary priests. There is no record found as to why the name was changed to St. Patrick's.
1883.....Rev.M.J. Barrett appointed first pastor.
1888-1907.....Pastors include: Revs. Michael Waldron, M.M.St.Lawrence, J.R.McGrath, J.V.McCarthy, D.P.Harrington, E.S.Muenich, J.J. Flood , J.F. Devane, T.D. Sullivan, J.S. Dobson.
1912.....Diocese of Kearney (now Grand Island Diocese) is established; Rev. Aloysius Kampmann appointed pastor.
1913.....Rev. Anton Link named pastor.
1914.....New church dedicated; new rectory is built. Ursulin Sisters arrive to open school.
1916.....Ursulines establish boarding school.
1917.....Knights of Columbus Council chartered.
1918.....Holy Name and Altar Societies established.
1920.....Ursuline Sisters sell school to parish.
1937.....Church expanded north, south, and west.
1948.....Cornerstone of new Youth Center laid.
1952.....Very Rev. Albert Albel named pastor.
1955.....Parish purchases Sidney Junior-Senior High building for use as a grade school.
1958.....Rev. Thomas Siudowski named pastor.
1960.....Very Rev. Vincent Pelster named pastor.
Church basement remodeled
1964.....New Saint Patrick's Junior-Senior High School built.
1967.....Rummage House opened.
1968.....Rev. Edward Flinn named pastor.
1971.....Saint Patrick's Grade School closed.
1973.....Rev. Frank Holeck named pastor.
1975.....Saint Patrick's Church renovated.
1980.....Rev. Robert Rooney named pastor.
1988.....Rev. Charles Scott named pastor.
1991.....Saint Patrick's Junior-Senior High School closed.
Pipe organ installed in church.
1992.....Rev. Francis Curran named pastor.
Junior-Senior High School building sold to Sidney Public Schools.
Rectory converted to temporary catechetical center.
New home purchased for use as rectory.
New Rummage House was built.
1994.....Old rectory sold and moved to West Highway 30
1995.....New Parish Center dedicated.
1996.....Rev. Ted Nekoliczak named pastor.
2001.....Rev. James Novakowski named pastor.
2005.....Rev. Art Faesser named pastor.
2014.....Rev. James Heithoff named pastor.
2017.... Rev. Michael F. MecDermott named pastor.
2021....Rev. C. P. Varghese named pastor.
We are a parish of approximately 400 families with a staff of six who serve the parish community. St. Patrick's Parish Center was dedicated in 1995. The parish center houses the offices, classrooms, dining room, kitchen and the Knights of Columbus meeting room.
"And I am surely with you always,
to the very end
of the age."
Matthew 28:20
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
1039 14th Ave
Sidney, Nebraska 69162
(308) 254-2828
Office hours:
Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - noon