Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation is celebrated with juniors and seniors every other year after a period of preparation.

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Kimball, Nebraska on Saturday, April 6th at 10:00 a.m.
Want to know more about Confirmation in our parish?
Contact Joan Falcon at or J. Nesbitt at

If you are interested in/curious about being a Confirmation Mentor click

Check out this stuff about saints, about YOU, and about living as a disciple of Jesus...

Often we choose a saint's name as our Confirmation name. So, how do we "get" saints? Watch....


What do you know?....find out how your general religious knowledge stacks up to: 

  • the general population,
  • people your age,
  • people of differing education levels, etc.

You're probably already doing lots of good stuff in your life.

Inspire others, invite others to join you, share what your doing!

 ​About ME!

Finding your way is easier when you know more about yourself. Here are some quick tools to help you discover your personality and spirituality types. 

This is the caution/disclaimer section: Remember: no personality type quiz is 100%, absolute or written in stone. They can help you see things about yourself, or point out the general direction you lean - but you are always growing, which means you are always changing. So enjoy the insights you may get from such quizzes while remembering they are not absolute, and they are not excuses for behavior. If you see traits that concern or worry you, talk to you parents, a school counselor, pastor, youth minister, or other trusted adult.

This is a quick and easy personality quiz and one to find your spirituality type:

Personality Identifier 
Spirituality Type
Click here to post your spirituality type. Post to new page with following; My Spirituality Type

Thank you for completing the survey! Were you surprised at your type, or did you think, "Yup, that's me!"?

Please enter your name and spirituality type and we can look at class to see how God has gifted us in our spiritual life.

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