"Teaching kids about healthy relationships is so important! Especially in this digital age.
This is such a great opportunity for 6th, 7th & 8th graders in our community!
They learn how to create/maintain healthy relationships and spot unhealthy ones,
then literally bring home the fruits of their labors."
-from the mom of two Hands for Growing participants
Hands for Growing is an adventure into growing a healthy garden and translating those skills to skills needed to grow healthy, safe relationships. We use a variety of activities and projects. It is designed especially for young people who will be entering 6th, 7th or 8th in the coming school year. See the list (in red) below that outlines past topics.
You can REGISTER RIGHT HERE, or call Pat, 254-2828, to have a form mailed to you, or you can pick one up at the church entrances.
Hands for Growing is open to kids who are not members of St. Patrick's also...so invite your friends to sign up!
Follow us on St. Patrick's Facebook
Hands for Growing is a partnership of St. Patrick's and DOVES.
* Week 1, Initial Garden Site Meeting, Introductions
* Week 2, - Good Foundations
* Week 3, Boundaries
* Week 4, R-E-S-P-E-C-T
* Week 5, Handling Conflict
* Week 6,Being Flexible
* Week 7, Identifying Signs
* Week 8, With a Little Help From Our Friends
* Week 9, Technology/Social Media
* Week 10, Oh, the Pressure!
* Week 11, - Review and Evening Family Celebration
And...Hopefully Never! - Disaster Strikes - What do we do if the garden gets hailed out or otherwise destroyed? What do you do if a relationship "gets hailed out"?
We have had to break out this session in past years.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
1039 14th Ave
Sidney, Nebraska 69162
(308) 254-2828
Office hours:
Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - noon