Synod on Synodality

Blessing of St. Patrick Statue

What a Beautiful Celebration!

 Sat., Oct. 21 Bishop Emeritus William Dendinger presided at the 5:00pm Mass. Jim Treinen added to the solemnity of the occasion by playing before Mass began on the bagpipes.

Immediately following the Mass we processed out to the statue for the blessing. Jim accompanied the procession. Fr. C.P. spoke, Bishop Dendinger blessed our new statue, and the celebration moved into the parish hall for a delicious dinner. 

Thank you to everyone who worked to make this such a beautiful celebration. 

With all our hearts, we thank the Cabela Family Foundation for their great generosity in bringing this statue to us from Italy. It is a most beautiful work of art that will be shared with the community. May we always remember and emulate the missionary spirit of St. Patrick in bringing God to everyone we meet.

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